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"The Mystical Closet." In What Canst Thou Say?, No. 91 (2), Aug. 2016, pp. 9–10. "No Wounding, No Blessing." In Touching God Together: Proceedings of the Third Annual Gathering of Friendly Mystics, pp. 48–58. Rochester, MN: What Canst Thou Say?, 2016. "The Making of a Mystic." In A Mystic Call – Naming the Spiritual Condition of the World: Proceedings of the Second Annual Gathering of Friendly Mystics, pp. 75–90. Blue Bell, PA: What Canst Thou Say?, 2015. "Beard As Mystic: Her Discipline, Her Goals, Her Advices." In What Canst Thou Say?, No. 86 (2), May 2015, pp. 9–10. "You Are Not Alone, I Love You," What Canst Thou Say?, No. 81(1), Feb. 2014, pp. 1–3. "Money and Happiness: The Mind-Pocketbook Connection," OutSmart,, Jan. 2013, pp. 37–39. "Mind Over Matter: An Interview with Jack Schwarz," Through Your Body, No. 62, 21 Aug. 2012. Reprint of "An Interview with Jack Schwarz,"Uptown Express, Sep. 1989, pp. 18–19. "Finding Perfection: An Experience of Unity," What Canst Thou Say, No. 75, Aug. 2012. "Christine Longaker: Facing Death and Finding Hope," Through Your Body, No. 19, 24 Oct. 2011. "Something to Smile About," OutSmart, Feb. 2010. Where Does Bella Come From? A Nana Book: Just for Bella on Her Birthday. Self-published, 2010. "Another Kind of Family," OutSmart, Apr. 2008. (co-author W. Keith Rabe) "Science, Meditation, Politics: The Natural Law Party Wants to Raise National Consciousness," Uptown Express, Jun./Jul. 1996, pp. 20–21. "The Uterus: A Necessary Loss?" (in 2 parts), A Friend Indeed, Vol. XII, No. 9, Feb. 1996, pp. 1–3; and Vol XII, No. 10, Mar. 1996, pp. 1–3. "Melatonin: Miracle or Mirage?" Uptown Express, Oct./Nov. 1995, pp. 30–35, 53. "Toxic Breast Syndrome: Breast Cancer and the Environment," Uptown Express, Aug./Sep. 1995, pp. 24–27, 49. "Healing Medicine: An Idea Whose Time Has Come," Uptown Express, Jun./Jul. 1995. "The No-Longer Ubiquitous Uterus: Necessary Losses?" (in 3 parts), Uptown Express, Feb./Mar. 1995, pp. 46–48; and Apr./May 1995, pp. 46–48; and Jun./Jul. 1995, pp. 48–51. "Effortless Nutrition," Uptown Express, Sep. 1994, pp. 16–17. "Soul Memories: The Mystical Paintings of Joanna Ballard," Uptown Express, Jun. 1994, pp. 26–28. "Creating a City of Joy: Heaven on Earth Finds Its Way to Houston," Uptown Express, May 1994, pp. 30–32. "A Ring of Truth: James Redfield's Spiritual Parable Speaks to the Heart of Spiritual Seekers," Uptown Express, Apr. 1994, pp. 30–32. "Healing Health Care Project: A New Chapter in Preventive Health Care," Uptown Express, Mar. 1994, p. 30. "Getting the Love You Want," Uptown Express, Feb. 1994, pp. 24–27. "Of Undying Love & Unending Passion," Uptown Express, Feb. 1994, pp. 28–29. "McKeating's Miracles," Uptown Express, Jan. 1994, pp. 14–15. "The Tao of Change: An Interview with Sandra Nicholas," Uptown Express, Nov. 1993, pp. 18–19. "American Odyssey in the Outback," Uptown Express, Sep. 1993, pp. 26–29. (co-authors Nancy Ford and Greg Jeu), "From the Folks Who Brought You Thalidimide—The FDA and Vitamins: Public Interest or Power Politics?" Uptown Express, Sep. 1993, pp. 24–25, 30. "Your Mind as Your Doctor," Uptown Express, Apr. 1991, p. 19. "Past Life Memory: Fantasy or Reality?" Uptown Express, Mar. 1991, pp. 12–14. "Looking for Love," Uptown Express, Feb. 1991, pp. 16–17, 19. "Two Ya Gonna Call . . . Rescue Workers! Ghostbusting is Alive and Well in Houston," Uptown Express, Oct. 1990, pp. 16–17, 19. "Eavesdropping in on ... An Interview with Shirley MacLaine," Uptown Express, Jul. 1990, pp. 24–25. "In the Eye of the Beholder: The Rayid Method," Uptown Express, Jun. 1990, pp. 24–25. "Indiana Jones is Alive and Well in Tyler, Texas," Uptown Express, May 1990, pp. 16–20. "An Interview with Jack Schwarz," Uptown Express, Sep. 1989, pp. 18–19. "Ben Philossof: A Man Who Survived Three Deaths," Uptown Express, July 1989, p. 6. "Is There a Leprechaun in the Gazebo?—The Life and Times of a Ragtime Piano Player," Uptown Express, July 1989, p. 5. "Mel Feit Leads the Male Fight for Gender Equality," Uptown Express, June 1989, p. 6. "Dr Phil Rothenberg: A Specialist in Transforming Physical Appearance Speaks About His Own Personal Transformation," Uptown Express, May 1989, p. 8. "AIDS—Something Is Being Done, But Is It Enough? An Off-the-Cuff Interview with Nancy Sims," Uptown Express, April 1989, pp. 4–5, 18–19. "A New Market for McDonald's, A Coffee Shop Solution for a Hospital," Uptown Express, Apr. 1989, p. 12. "Hunter Todd: The Man Behind the Scenes of the Houston International Film Festival," Uptown Express, Mar. 1989, p. 6. "Trash Plastic—An Environmental Problem," Uptown Express, Feb. 1989, p. 4. "The History of Love," Uptown Express, Feb. 1989, p. 13. The University of Texas Population Research Center [(Stensrude)Philpot authorship uncredited], International Population Census Bibliography, 6 vols. Austin: Bureau of Business Research, The University of Texas, 1965–1967. (Work on the last couple of volumes was completed by others following my move from Austin to Houston in 1965.) Jack P. Gibbs and Janice (Stensrude) Philpot, "Trends in the Relationship Between Industry Structure and Income," Land Economics, Vol. XLI, No. 1, Feb. 1965. Unpublished Academic Papers Making Pictures: Emergence of Voice in Original Images, Apr. 1997 Feeding a Family: A Journey into the Cultural and Developmental Implications of Food, Aug. 1996 The Invisible Woman, Aug. 1995 Toxic Breast Syndrome: An International Epidemic, Jul. 1995 Women and Phallic Power in the Second Half of Life, Jun. 1995 The Experience of Hysterectomized Women: A Qualitative Interview Study, Mar. 1995. In Search of a Lost Menopause, Feb. 1995. The No-Longer Ubiquitous Uterus, Jan. 1995. Value and Values: The Feminist Model in Social Science Research, Dec. 1994. Facing the Enemy Within: A Journey to Self-Responsibility, Nov. 1994. |
Jennifer Lawson, Walking with Angels. A memoir. Parker, CO: White Hair Press, 2022. Marie-Muriel Hillion Toulcanon, Maloya dance and music: Réunionese Créole Togetherness. Doctoral thesis, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia, 2022. Ste7en Foster, The Last Alias. New York: Seven Wonders Press, 2020. C. M. Fraser, 50 Ways to Leave Depression: Actions and Illustrations to Guide You to Happiness. British Columbia, Canada: Author, 2020. (Kindle & Audible Audiobook editions) Shamima Dindar, Alexandre Goes South: A Novel and Essay, 'The Modern Adventure Novel'. Doctoral thesis, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia, 2017. Bobbie A. Brooks, Communication About Sexual Health Between Senior Adults and Healthcare Professionals. Doctoral dissertation, Capella University, 2017. Touching God Together: Proceedings of the Third Annual Gathering of Friendly Mystics. Reflections on the experience of the June 2015 meetings. Rochester, MN: What Canst Thou Say, 2016. Lessie Burnita Tate, The Power of Pan-Africanism: Tanzanian/African American Linkages, 1947–1997. Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015. A Mystic Call – Naming the Spiritual Condition of the World: Proceedings of the Second Annual Gathering of Friendly Mystics. Reflections on the experience of the June 2014 meetings. Blue Bell, PA: What Canst Thou Say, 2015. Sharing Our Stories: Proceedings of the First Annual Gathering of Friendly Mystics. Reflections on the experience of the June 2013 meetings. Blue Bell, PA: What Canst Thou Say, 2014. Fémi Adékúnlé Adédínà, Death's Laughter (novel) and Crafting a Novel (exegesis). Ph.D. thesis, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia, 2011. Zohl dé Ishtar, Kapululangu Development Plan 2009. Kapululangu Women's Law and Culture Centre, Balgo, Western Australia, 2009. Shamima Dindar, Small Trees Bend on Long Shadows (novel) and Life After Trauma: Healing and Repercussions (essay). Master's thesis, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia, 2008. Ann P. Bevil with illustrations by Steve and Robin Bambera, Soaring with Numbers. A children's mathematics curriculum and workbook. Marion, IL: Pieces of Learning, 2007. Penelope Williams, The Influence of Academic Achievement on Anxiety and Self-Actualization Among First-Semester Nursing Students. Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, 2006. Robert Hager, Saurcana: Terror from the Sea. A novel for middle-school children. Houston, Texas: Seaworm Press, 2004. Ann P. Bevil, The Effect of Real-World Mathematical Applications on Gifted and Nongifted Students' Achievement and Classroom Learning Environment. Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, 2003. Najat S. Al-Hamdan, The Relationship Between Home Environment and IQ among Saudi Arabian Kindergarten Children. Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, 2002. Carol C. Currie, Correlates of School Recruitment. Doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center School of Public Health, 2002. Diane L. Elmore, Evaluating a Multifaceted Tolerance-Training Program: Using the Holocaust to Increase Knowledge, Promote Tolerance, and Prevent Prejudice. Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, 2002. Cara N. Bradley, African-American Students' Perceptions of Student-Faculty Interaction at Georgia State University. Master's thesis, Central Missouri State University, 2002. Luis Felipe Canales, Seismic Variation with Offset: A Case Study of an Eocene Gas Field, Mid-Dip Yegua Formation in Jackson County, Texas. Master's thesis, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, 2001. Awad S. Keshta, Alternative Approaches for Teaching English Literature to Undergraduate Students in Gaza Strip. Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, 2000. Krishna R. Dronamraju, Biological and Social Issues in Biotechnology Sharing. Self-published work of nonfiction. Houston, Texas: Author, 2000. John Kevin Claypool, Opportunity Lost: A History of Colonial America's Relationship with the Cherokee Indians. Master's thesis, Rice University, 1999. A. Grady Hallonquist, Wit and Wisdom from A. Grady Hallonquist. Self-published memoir. Houston, Texas: Author, 1998. Jacqueline D. Smith, The Effect of Character Education on the Self-esteem of Gifted and Nongifted Fifth- and Sixth-grade African American Students. Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, 1997. Alvia Jean Wardlaw, The Path Towards Ananse: John Biggers's Early Years. Doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas, 1996. Sue Ellen Atkinson, A Case Study of Collaboration in an Interprofessional Development Program: Project CARES. Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, 1996. Stephen Esmond Payton, A Comparative Study of Alienation Factors among Black Undergraduate Education Majors Attending Universities in the State of Texas. Doctoral dissertation, Texas Southern University, 1996. Dorian Williams, For Mother's Sake. Unpublished personal memoir, 1995. Edward P. Pita, An Analysis of Perceived Communication Usage Between English-Speaking Principals and Bilingual/ESL Teachers. Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, 1994. Pinky Hull, From Tent Show to Opera: Confessions of a Ragtime Piano Player. A personal memoir. Crystal Beach, Texas: Peninsula Press of Texas, 1992. Donna Stokes, The Effects of Early Sensory Stimulation on Premature Infants. Master's thesis, Texas Woman's University, 1990.
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Hector Roosevelt, The Westminster Conspiracy. Published novel. London, Lagos, Accra: Christopher Rickford Publishers, 2002. Billy Wayne Sinclair and Jodie Sinclair, A Life in the Balance: The Billy Wayne Sinclair Story. Published personal memoir. New York: Arcade Publishing, 2000. Will Heath. Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, 2000. Woodard King Mott, Jr., The Third Way: Economic Justice According to Karol Wojtyla. Doctoral dissertation, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1997. Published 1998 by University Press of America and 1999 by Rowman & Littlefield as The Third Way: Economic Justice According to John Paul II. A. Grady Hallonquist, Wit & Wisdom from A. Grady Hallonquist. Self-published collection of favorite sermons, quotations, and stories, mixed with a bit of personal memoir from sixty years in the Methodist pulpit. Houston, Texas: Author, 1998. Fred Dexter, Nuts to Butts to Wiggle Worms. Self-published personal memoir. Houston, Texas: Inadvertent Press, 1994. Fred Dexter, Think It and You Can Do It. Self-published personal memoir. Houston, Texas: Inadvertent Press, 1993. |